Xalqaro quruvchilar shousi (IBS)
International Builders Show (IBS ) Feb 27th -29th ,2024 Booth No.: W5027 Contact:0086-576-87102202 , E-mail: sale@huale.com As an experienced shower head manufacturer, we are delighted to announce that we will be attending the IBS Exhibition. IBS is a leading s...Ko'proq o'qish -
134-kanton yarmarkasi
134th Canton Fair Booth No.: 9.1N14 Oct 23th-27th,2023 Address: Pazhou Exhibithion Center ,No 380 ,Yuejiangzhong Road , Haizhu District ,Guangzhou Contact: 0086-576-87102202 E-mail: sale@huale.com As an experienced shower head manufacturer, we have been dedicate...Ko'proq o'qish -
2020-KBIS va IBS (AQSh)
Las-Vegas konferentsiya markazi 2020-01-21 dan 2020-01-24 gacha stend №: SU3308Ko'proq o'qish -
26-chi oshxona va hammom Xitoy, 2021 yil
Booth No.: W4D34 May 26th- 29th Shanghai New International Expo Center Contact: 0576-87102202 email: sale@huale.comKo'proq o'qish -
I-Switch aqlli, imo-ishoralar bilan boshqariladigan dush boshi Kickstarter’da ishga tushirildi
I-Switch dush kallagi Tuman rejimida suv sarfini hayratlanarli 50 foizga qisqartiradi.Mist yuqori bosimdan foydalangan holda egalariga suv sarfini kamaytirish imkonini beradi...Ko'proq o'qish